Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay on Exploring the Autobiography of Malcom X - 1068 Words

We declare our right on this be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary. These words were spoken by Malcolm X, a civil rights leader and political activist. He is also the main character, narrator, and author of the Autobiography of Malcolm X. The autobiography takes place in various cities in the United States, such as Omaha, New York, and Detroit, as well as the Middle East, and Africa. Considering the type of literature this is, it is obvious to state that Malcolm X is the main character. Malcolm X, as a child, was intelligent and popular amongst his friends. He had†¦show more content†¦She was conceived with Malcolm when she was raped by a white man who she never knew, and stayed at home to cook and clean, despite being able to find work by passing as a white woman due to her fair skin color. Malcolm was soon born, and 4 years later, the family moved to Lansing, Michigan, in 1929. Their house was burned down by the KKK, and Malcolm had witnessed it. He said that it taught him one of many things he was soon to learn about being black in America. The next year, a group of white men who are in opposition of his fathers work kill him. The insurance company refuses to cover the familys losses, because they ruled his death as a suicide. Malcolms mother is soon sent to a mental hospital, and he went to stay with a white foster family. Before long, Malcolm drops out of high school, and goes to Boston and New York, where he hustled, and was soon arrested. It was in prison where Malcolm educated himself, and learned of Elijah Muhammad, and his organization: the Nation of Islam. Malcolm is fascinated by the teachings of the group, and has great respect for them and Muhammad. He then converted religions, and, once out of prison, became a Minister in the NOI. It was Muhammad who gave Malcolm the legendary X, in place of Little, which was his slave name. Malcolm preached his beliefs, and was soon known for his speeches against the white man, on blackShow MoreRelatedMaya Angelou Essay1019 Words   |  5 Pagesalso acts as a spokesperson for black pride and heritage (St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture). Although she speaks for people of color, her messages of hope and strength appeal to people of all ages and races. Angelou is best known for her autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, in which she recalls herself as a young African American girl finding self-confidence in a highly prejudice world.   Maya Angelou’s work should still be taught in schools today because of her focus on civil rights

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Victor Frankenstein Free Essays

Man (Victor) vs. God Half-frozen, trembling, and troubled are all adjectives that could describe Victor Frankenstein when a ship captain by the name of Robert Walton rescued him in the middle of the Artic. From dialogue between the two, we are informed that Victor Frankenstein has spent his entire life trying to learn everything he could about science and medicine. We will write a custom essay sample on Victor Frankenstein or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, Victor used his knowledge differently than his professors had intended for him to. Written in 1816, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein – is vivid portrayal of Victor Frankenstein and the â€Å"fiend† he creates. In the early stages of his education, Victor was interested in learning new and foreign things –concepts and ideas about life and death. Though as the story progresses, it becomes clear Victor becomes consumed with trying to â€Å"play† God by creating a new life. Frankenstein – tells the story of the age-old battle of Man vs. God. From childhood, Victor had the odd, but unique, obsession of the concept of life and death. His interest in death first sparked when a carriage killed his dog, Bruno. Victor desperately wanted to change fate and bring Bruno back to life, but being young and without proper education, Victor did not know how to go about reviving the dog. During a thunderstorm the very next night, Victor witnessed the unmatched power of lightning and electricity when a tree was struck during the storm. He was amazed and astonished at how much destruction the electrical storm had caused – but the lighting was not the only thing that sparked that night. Something also sparked in Victor that night. He wondered if he too could also create something as beautiful as life. A few short weeks later, Victor’s mother became very ill after contracting the common illness of the time, scarlet fever. She died a few short weeks later. Victor was utterly devastated by his mother’s death and he longed for a way to bring her back to life. I fell that Shelley uses instances, such as this one, to portray how we as humans are not only enthralled with power, but also with being powerful. I believe that the plot used by Mary Shelly, particularly with the death of Victor’s mother, illustrates how Victor wanted the same power God has – and ultimately tried to play the role of God by creating life. After arriving at the University in Ingolstadt, Victor’s enrolled in Science classes so he could learn everything there was to know about the human body and medicine. He would spend class time and stay up hours on end at nigh, continually reading his texts. But as Victor’s knowledge of the sciences grew, so did the ever-burning desire he had to create a new life. However, Victor would ignore his own warning given to his friend Walton, urging him to not follow his example, warning him, â€Å"Learn from me . . . how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge, and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow. † His notion that he could use what he had witnessed as a child to create a living creature, consumed his life so much that Victor would rarely leave his room. After he felt that he had learned enough to bring a body to life – he did. Ironically, during a storm, he is successful in his quest to possess that God-like power of giving life to the non-living. However, Victor is immediately repulsed, stating, â€Å"†¦the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart. † His life had become so consumed on bringing it to life, that he did not take the time to think of the consequences of his actions or his creation. Here, Shelley seems to argue that ignorance is bliss. After the creation of the fiend, Victor is so frightened that he spends the night in his courtyard, afraid to reenter his home. Saddened by the reaction of his creator upon initial sight of his creation, the fiend leaves Victor’s house while Victor is still in the courtyard. Victor lets be and does not search for the monster. We learn about the misfortunes of Victor’s family. The fiend, as revenge for Victor’s actions, murders several of Frankenstein’s family members. Everywhere the monster goes, he is faced with the realization that most people are frightened by just how he looks. Years of being an outcast of society leave the creature cold and spiteful. The creature explains his anger, saying, â€Å"There was non among the myriads of men that existed who would pity or assist me; and should I feel kindness towards my enemies? No: from that moment I declared everlasting war against the species, and, more than all, against him who had formed me and sent me forth to this insupportable misery. But pity can be felt as the monster describes the moment he learns that the most respected men in society have wealth and influence, he states, â€Å"I possessed no money, no friends, no kind of property. † Shelley uses this quote to underscore the theme of man’s cruelty and injustice. She also uses scenes like these to describe and depict how horrible the situation can end up being when humans try to play the role of God and attempt things that humans don’t have the full power or knowledge to do. In conclusion, it is more than safe to say that throughout the novel Victor Frankenstein was constantly consumed with learning new things about life and death, stating â€Å"Curiosity, earnest research to learn the hidden laws of nature, gladness akin to rapture, as they were unfolded to me, are among the earliest sensations I can remember. † That obsession lead to Victor’s attempt to assume the role of God. Victor’s quest for knowledge proves he is determined to do anything and everything that it takes to become more educated in the sciences – ultimately attempting and succeeding at giving life to a human being. Unlike the majority of the people of his time, Victor did not believe that God is the only one who can create a life – he felt that he could do it as well. The outcome of his actions and – multiple deaths, a terrorized populace, a monster – is concrete proof that things such as the creation life should be left in the hands of the true creator†¦God. Mary Shelley used her novel to paint a vivid picture for the audience. The image illustrates that if we try playing God, it will likely end in disaster, just as it did in the case of Victor Frankenstein. How to cite Victor Frankenstein, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Important Aspects Of Restaurant Businesses †

Question: Discuss about the Important Aspects Of Restaurant Businesses. Answer Introduction Cleanness, sanitation, and hygiene are important aspects of a restaurant businesses. Restaurant health inspectors and customers have a major effect on the standing of a restaurant, it's therefore crucial for restaurant owners to practice proper restaurant food safety . At hidden ridge restaurant, various issues concerning food safety and hygiene are identified which could be the major contributor of the food poisoning of their customers who made complaints. Evidence of mouse dropping in the kitchen store, using a slicer with a rusty blade and employees failure to use protective gears shows that the restaurant does not observe food safety and cleanliness measures. Food is prawn to contamination from pathogens, chemicals or parasites, hence should be handled with care. Foods should be preserved in chilling facilities inhibiting contamination (Guchait ,Priyanko Jack, Neal Tony, 17). The store should be clean at all time and free from rodents and other animals. Regular cleaning and arrangement of the warehouse should be conducted. Foods should be cooked effectively to ensure that all the bacterias present in the food are neutralized to prevent food poisoning. The hotel facilities should be clean as required by the law, the staff should wear protective gears that will prevent contamination of the food. The hotel establishment should have water sinks where the staff can wash their hands before and after handling food to prevent contamination of the food. In hidden ridge hotel equipment cleaning was inadequate as the slicer had a rusty blade, staff like Max should be provided with protective gloves to prevent injuries. The kitchen store was contami nated with mice which are carriers of various diseases Proper hygiene and establishing of lockable facilities free from animals should be implemented in the hotel. Food borne illness Food borne illness is an irritation or infection of the gastrointestinal tract that is caused by intake of foods or beverages that are contaminated with pathogens or chemicals. Harmful bacteria maybe present in raw foods for example fish, meat, and milk can occur at any time during their growth, harvesting, processing, storage, slaughter or shipping process. During preparation of food in the kitchen contamination by bacteria can occur by coming in to contact with surfaces that are contaminated. Foodborne illness causing virus are spread by the bodily fluids for example vomit and stool of those that have already been infected where effective hygiene is not adhered to. The viruses can as well be transmitted through the ingestion of contaminated foods and beverages. Parasite contamination occurs when one comes into contact with contaminated foods and drinks. Parasites can contaminate foods during growth and preparation when they come into contact with water that is contaminated with the parasites. In hidden ridge restaurant food poisoning is caused by various factors including; handling food with bare hands, inadequately cleaned equipments where bacteria can exist, and the presence of rodent droppings in the kitchen shows the evidence of rodents which are agent of carrying various pathogens that can lead to food borne illnesses in human. The management can improve efficiency by refrigeration of raw and cooked food, which will then be cooked since bacteria become active at room temperature. Vegetables and Fruits should be critically washed under running water before cutting, cooking or serving. Raw meat and seafood should be stored differently away from other foods. Hands should be washed with warm water after and before handling foods to prevent the passing of pathogens. All equipments and surfaces used in food preparation should be washed with hot soapy water before and after food preparation. Food contamination from rodents Rodents are a threat as they can penetrate in small holes leading to the food store. They can chew through wallboard, cardboard and wood gaining access to storage facilities and reproduce at a very high rate. The rate at which rodents defecate and urinate allows the accumulation of excrement which quickly leads to spread of bacteria's and contaminates foods. The rodent dropping are known to transmit pathogens that lead to diseases such as salmonellosis and Hantavirus (Trampel, Darrell, Thomas Richard, 357). At hidden ridge, restaurant mouse droppings were noted in the storage facilities which is evident that there is the mouse in the establishment. This is brought about by poor waste management and having poor storage facilities. Hidden ridge management should ensure that the facility has adequate and effective waste management systems. Improper garbage disposal, overflowing and dirty dumpsters are sure ways of attracting rodents. Its crucial to seal all rodent entry points for exam ple in loading blocks and ensure that there no leaks in the roofs of the facility and Performing regular inspections of stores and equipments for rodent infestation. Equipment and personnel hygiene Staff and equipment hygiene is critical in a restaurant. The management and other staff have a fundamental role in ensuring high standards of cleanliness are achieved at all time. Its every employers responsibility to provide all their employees with the conducive working environment. All the kitchen equipment used in food preparation should be cleaned and dried prevent contamination and rusting. At hidden ridge restaurant, the use of a slicer with a rusty blade is unhygienic and exposes both the staff and customers at risk of foodborne disease attack. First aid facilities should also be present in the facility in case of any accidents. Waste management Proper waste management is critical in ensuring the cleanliness of a restaurant. Organic waste obtained from the restaurant can be recycled. For example, in hidden ridge restaurant, the waste should be collected and sorted according to the type of waste being disposed. Materials that can be recycled can be taken back, the rest of the organic materials can be recycled by making manure (Wong, Jonathan, Tyagi Ashok 16). Water and electricity are essential in running a restaurant. Sustainable use of water is therefore critical to ensure efficiency. Repairing of broken pipes with leakage should be carried out immediately. Tapping of solar energy to provide electricity should also be conducted. Using solar energy to warm washing and cleaning water can be undertaken in the restaurant facilities. Conclusion Restaurant management requires proper planning and evaluation of situations and offering the best solution. To ensure efficient services, the hidden ridge staff should be educated on the importance of working in a hygienic environment. The management should also ensure that they provide a conducive working environment for their staff to ensure that quality services are delivered to their customers. Restaurant facilities and equipment should also be cleaned regularly from the washrooms, kitchen and serving area to ensure that food does not come into contact with a contaminated environment. References Bai, Shahla Hosseini, and Steven M. Ogbourne. "Glyphosate: environmental contamination, toxicity and potential risks to human health via food contamination."Environmental Science and Pollution Research23.19 (2016): 18988-19001. Guchait, Priyanko, Jack A. Neal, and Tony Simons. "Reducing food safety errors in the United States: Leader behavioral integrity for food safety, error reporting, and error management."International Journal of Hospitality Management59 (2016): 11-18. Stejskal, Vclav, and Radek Aulick. "Field evidence of roof rat (Rattus rattus) faecal contamination of barley grain stored in silos in the Czech Republic."Journal of pest science87.1 (2014): 117-124. Trampel, Darrell W., Thomas G. Holder, and Richard K. Gast. "Integrated farm management to prevent Salmonella Enteritidis contamination of eggs."Journal of Applied Poultry Research23.2 (2014): 353-365. TuzonGuarin, Joanna Marie. "Housekeeping Management Practices and Standards Of Selected Hotels and Restaurants of Ilocos SUR, Philippines."Browser Download This Paper(2016). Wong, Jonathan WC, R. D. Tyagi, and Ashok Pandey, eds.Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Solid Waste Management. Elsevier, 2016.